Tuesday, February 23, 2016

batu obsidion

What was Stone Obsidion?

Natural Rough Obsidian offered, because the color blue is called Natural Rough Blue Obsidian, feeling busy .... just bought, the price is within reach.  

I thought, if sold more sales then sold ..... 

If it can be honed itself would be more well, in addition to recognizing the material, we offer clear naturalnya. 

Moreover, yesterday a friend wanted sharpening stone transparent / opaque ortranslucent / opaque. 

the problem is, how to offer if you do not get the goods offered what? 

Yeah, would not want to find out what it was Obsidian stone ... 

Here's the info I Dapa .... 

Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed as an extrusive igneous rock. it is produced when felsic lava extruded from a volcano cools Rapidly with minimum crystal growth. Obsidian is commonly found within the margins of rhyolitic lava flows known as obsidian flows, where the chemical composition (high silica content) induces a high viscosity and polymerization degree of the lava. The inhibition of atomic diffusion through this highly viscous and polymerized lava Explains the lack of crystal growth. Obsidian is hard and brittle; it therefore fractures with very sharp edges, the which had been used in the past in cutting and piercing tools, and has been used experimentally as surgical scalpel blades.

That is the information I can on Wikipedia 

free translation version of google transalate 

Obsidian is volcanic glass naturally formed as igneous extrusive . it is produced when felsic lava expelled from the volcano cools rapidly with the growth of crystalsminimum Obsidian is commonly found within the margins of the lava flows of rhyolitic known as the flow of obsidian , in which the chemical composition ( silica content higher ) induces a high viscosity and degree of polymerization lava .Inhibition of diffusion of atoms through the lava is very viscous and polymerized thisexplains the lack of crystal growth . Obsidian hard and brittle , so the fracture with the edges very sharp , which has been used in the past in cutting and piercingtools, and has been used experimentally as a knife surgical surgical

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